Monday, June 13, 2005

Changing Planes

posted by Tim Walters @ 9:39 PM

Ursula K. LeGuin, Changing Planes. A catalog of imaginary places, somewhat in the vein of Calvino's Invisible Cities, but (as you might expect from LeGuin) less archly postmodern and more gently fabulous (in the literal sense). The central conceit is basically a bad pun, but gives her a chance to write wittily about airport waiting rooms. The book is quite slight overall, but LeGuin's deft touch makes it thoroughly enjoyable, even when her fables have a touch of the obvious about them. I certainly prefer this to, say, The Telling.


At 8:51 AM, Blogger Todd T said...

Sounds like a good book to take on travel. It's been so long since I read anything by LeGuin. What do you think I should read next? I've read the original three Earthsea books, The Left Hand of Darkness, The Dispossessed, The Winds Twelve Quarters, The Word for World is Forest, and I think that's all.

At 5:13 PM, Blogger Tim Walters said...

You've hit most of my favorites, but I would certainly add The Lathe of Heaven and The Compass Rose. I've never read anything of hers that wasn't worthwhile, but it's been a long time since she knocked my socks off.

At 7:46 AM, Blogger Todd T said...

LATHE OF HEAVEN it will be.

I'd forgotten that I read ROCANNON'S WORLD too, long ago. But it seems an early trifle now.


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